(Semi) Permanent makeup is the process of implanting pigments into your skin. While the procedure is like to tattooing, it’s not permanent and the results begin to fade over a period of months/years without a touchup. When done properly, it’s a excellent way to look and feel great by enhancing the general appearance of your face and natural beauty. We offer Permanent Makeup for eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner/lash line enhancements.


The short answer is no. While it’s fitting for most clients, there are reasons that we cannot treat everyone. Prior to undergoing treatment, clients are informed that certain contraindications can prevent us from moving forward. The situation is not the same for each client but your situation and condition will be accessed individually and we will discuss whether or not we can move forward with out without a doctors note. These are as follows:

  • High blood pressure or heart conditions
  • Taking blood-thinners such as aspirin or similar medication
  • Pregnant or lactating
  • Glaucoma
  • Herpes simplex
  • Certain skin conditions e.g. rashes, blisters, psoriasis, or eczema
  • Taking steroids such as cortisone, Accutane, Retin-A or Renova
  • Allergy to makeup
  • Acute acne in the treatment area
  • Susceptibility to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Hypertrophic scarring or keloids
  • Spider veins or a birthmark in the area they want to be treated
  • Diabetes
  • Blood disorder e.g. sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, or a platelet disorder

For some of the above, we may require that you provide written permission from your doctor prior to moving forward.  


Follow these general recommendations for all PMU appointments unless directed otherwise. You will be given thorough aftercare instructions at the time of your procedure. Please call or email us with any other question you may have.

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, aspirin and fish oil supplements for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Be prepared to lay very still for a lengthy period of time. Many clients bring headphones to listen to music during their appointment.
  • Wear comfortable clothing. Many of our patients like to bring a sweater to help keep them relaxed.
  • Please be mindful that having a procedure done while on your menstrual cycle can make you hyper-sensitive at the procedure site.


  • If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, bring a few reference photos with you to your appointment. We also suggest that you come with your makeup on so that we can get a better idea of what you like.
  • Avoid tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, and coloring your brows for two weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Please be conscious that we will remove your makeup in the treatment area to determine your true undertones. This is vital for us to choose the right color.


If you have any history of cold sores, fever blisters, or herpes simplex, you must contact your doctor to obtain and take the proper prescription medication (an antiviral) to prevent such outbreaks for at least 5 days before and after the procedure. You will have to notify your doctor of the procedure and make them aware that this procedure will trigger an outbreak without an antiviral.


Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following your eyeliner procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-treated condition.

  • The use of Latisse® must be discontinued at least 3 months before your eyeliner procedure. Latisse® produces an inflammatory reaction in the skin, which causes excessive pain and bleeding. If you use Latisse®, your eyeliner will not take properly.
  • Do not use other growth stimulants such as RapidLash®, or RevitaLash® for at least one week prior to or one week after your eyeliner procedure.
  • Lash extensions should be removed completely before your eyeliner procedure. If you have lash extensions, we will not be able to do your eyeliner. Lash extensions pose a danger to your eyes during the permanent makeup procedure.


  • Eyebrows:Most permanent makeup clients will come back every 1-2 years for an eyebrow touch-up. Yearly touchups are recommended to maintain the best results.
  • Eyeliner: Back eyeliner may need a touch-up in 1-2 years.
  • Lips:Touch-up and color enhancements are suggested yearly although results may last up to 2 years depending on each client.


We will pre-numb you for about 20 minutes before we start. This initial numbing will significantly reduce any discomfort. If more numbing is absolutely needed throughout the procedure, we can numb again.


Yes. Please see below:

  • Retinol/Retin-A must be discontinued 7 days prior to procedure. (It will cause the skin to bleed more).
  • Injections (Botox, Radiesse, JuvaDerm, Voluma, etc.) must be done at least 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after procedure.
  • Chemical peels and laser treatments may not be done within 60 days before or after procedure.
  • The use of Latisse® must be discontinued at least 3 months prior to your eyeliner procedure (it creates an inflammatory response, causes excess bleeding, and prohibits the eyeliner from healing well).
  • Sunburned or Suntanned skin is damaged skin and therefore will cause excessive bleeding. We cannot work on sunburned or suntanned skin.
  • We are prohibited from tattooing over moles.
  • You cannot expose the area to the direct sun for 30 days before or after procedure.
  • Do not schedule this procedure within one week prior to a water vacation.
  • Stay out of steam rooms, saunas, hot yoga, swimming pool for 7-10 days following procedure.
  • Avoid working out or sweating for 1 week post procedure. Sweat will prevent pigment from healing into the skin.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine 1 day before procedure to minimize any oozing, bleeding or swelling.
  • Do not take coumadin (Warfarin), aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, fish oil or vitamin E 24 hours prior to procedure.
  • Please consult with your physician before stopping any prescribed medical treatments.


An initial application is incomplete until after a follow up touch-up appointment, which must be scheduled approximately 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment. Please plan ahead and allow enough time to have the service completed!


While your skin heals, be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly larger, sharper, brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. This is a normal and expected result of the application and healing process. The healing process will take a number of days to complete, depending on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates and new skin regenerates to take its place. Also expect mild itchiness, scabbing and shedding of the skin. DO NOT scratch, peel, or pick at your new tattoo.

Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make social plans for a day or two following any procedure.


Nope! Permanent makeup does not use the same technique as traditional tattooing. It’s best to keep the hair you have to make them look as natural as possible and we will remove any stray hairs that do not grow within the new brow shape.

Lip Blush $475 (includes 4-6 week touchup)

Lip Blush is an innovative cosmetic lip shading tattooing technique from the soft and natural colors that resemble a lip tint to a complete lipstick effect. Lip blushing recreates lost definition, brightens pale lips, or can correct lips that are darker in color to have a lighter appearance.

With this gentle technique, we can achieve a stronger definition around the lip line and graduate color towards the center of the lips. It is important to choose a shade that looks subtle and natural, usually two tones darker or a tone lighter than the client's natural lip color subtle and natural shade. Subtle colors can always be refreshed over time. The color retention is different and depends on a client’s skin, lifestyle, and proper aftercare.

Does Lip Blush Make Your Lips Bigger?

Lip Blush is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo beauty treatment that enhances your natural lip color. It's more about enhancing your actual color of the lips to give the illusion of fullness, rather than actual volume. 

Why do so many people love Lip Blush?

  • 100% customizable 
  • Refreshes Old faded PMU 
  • Works for every skin type

How Long Lip Blushing Last

Lip Blush results typically, should last between 12-24 months. Some factors like your age, level of physical activity, metabolism, and sun exposure can affect how long the color lasts. We recommend an annual color boost procedure but if you decide not to do a touch-up, it will begin to fade gradually.

Lip Blush lasts for 12-24 months, depending on skin type, health, and lifestyle.

Pre-Appointment Instructions

60 days Electrolysis and laser hair removal should not be done. Do not get a chemical peel or skin laser treatment.

30 days Do not get Botox or lip fillers injections

14 days No sun or tanning before the procedure

7 days Keep your lips exfoliated and moisturized

48 hours Do not take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin, Vit. E (unless medically necessary)

24 hours Do not drink alcohol and caffeine, Avoid sweating on the day of the procedure

Lip Blush Healing Process

1-7 days Darkest pigment.

7-14 days Pigment may lighten.

15-30 days The intensity of the color increases slightly.

30-45 days Touch up of the pigment. 

Ombre Brows? $400 (includes 4-6 week touchup)

Ombre Brows is the semi-permanent technique that gives a light to dark ombre look, it means the lighter front of the eyebrows and darker color towards the tails, mimicking the natural flow of the brow. The tail of the brow is always darker than the front, which is where it gets its ombre name. It can be done with or without an outline, depending on your skin type and preferences. The Ombre technique is also less traumatic to the skin than Microblading.

Why do so many people love Ombre Brows?

  • 100% customizable 
  • It Covers Old faded PMU 
  • Works for every skin type

What Is The Difference Between Ombre Eyebrows And Microblading? 

Ombre Brows are less traumatic to the skin due to the airbrush applying technique, we apply the pigment layer by layer to a more “filled-in” look, the bulb is transparent, after the healing process eyebrows appear much softer.

Ombre brows are done with a permanent makeup machine this style lasts 12-24 months on average. Great for all skin types and it heals beautifully. 

Your personal results will vary from soft, medium, or bold, depending on your skin and pigment retention, along with your personal preferences as well as color used. 

Immediately after the procedure, your results will look quite dark, like after any brow procedure, it will fade to a softer look within a few days.

Ombre brows last for 12-24 months, depending on skin type, health, and lifestyle.

Pre-Appointment Instructions

60 days No eyebrows hair growth serums. Electrolysis and laser hair removal should not be done. Do not get a chemical peel or skin laser treatment.

30 days Do not get Botox injections

14 days No sun or tanning before the procedure

7 days Do not tweeze, wax, or dye brows before the procedure. Do not use harsh products, retinoids, and acids around eyebrows

48 hours Do not take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin, Vit. E (unless medically necessary)

24 hours Do not drink alcohol and caffeine, Avoid sweating on the day of the procedure

Ombre Brows Healing Process

1-7 days Darkest pigment.

7-14 days Pigment may lighten.

15-30 days The intensity of the color increases slightly.

30-45 days Touch up of the pigment.

Lash Line Enhancement $375 for upper or lower and $475 for upper and lower lash line (includes 4-6 week touchup)

Lash line enhancement is a semi permanent eyeliner beauty treatment that is getting very popular. This method involves creating a delicate light line across the top/bottom lashes.

How Long Does Lash Enhancement Last?

The lash line enhancement results last longer than other permanent makeup procedures since the skin on eyelids is much thinner. Permanent eyeliner results can last for 12-24 months to several years, depending on skin type, health, and lifestyle.

This treatment is great for clients who want to be able to skip applying mascara or eyeliner and those who suffer allergies from regular cosmetics, also those who because of health issues have problems with applying cosmetics. 

Permanent eyeliner is a cosmetic tattoo. The pigment will fade over time and we recommend an annual color boost. There is no guarantee in how long it lasts as each person has very different skin and lifestyle.

Pre-Appointment Instructions

90 days No eyelashes growth serums, it might cause pigment migration. Do not get a chemical peel or skin laser treatment.

30 days Do not get Botox injections.

14 days Do not dye or perm lashes. No sun or tanning before the procedure.

7 days Remove lash extensions before your procedure. Do not use harsh products, retinoids, and acids around the eyes.

48 hours Do not take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin, Vit. E (unless medically necessary).

24 hours Do not drink alcohol and caffeine, Avoid sweating on the day of the procedure. FOR APPOINTMENT Remove eye contact and bring your glasses.

Lash Line Enhancement Healing Process

1-7 days Darkest pigment.

7-14 days Pigment will lighten.

15-30 days The intensity of the color increases slightly.

30-45 days Touch up of the pigment.